Sabtu, 24 Julai 2010

mArs vs venuS

wanna show u sumthin.
despite d hectic pectic timing struggling for the exam, (which are killing me with 12 papers diz sem), got to rest my mind for seconds with my favorite book

" Men are motivated and empowered when they feel needed.."

" Women are motivated and empowered when they feel cherished."

who says diz book is just for 'orang berchenta'?

seriously i suggest u guys to read this book. such a good guide for better understanding of the different sex, maybe our brothers, friends and myb husband. and not to forget, our beloved father as well.

i'm not born talented in describing and elaborating books, neither promoting them to d public,
but one thing i'm pretty sure, u guys gonna luv diz book very much!
plus, its just 1000 yen in japan.

8 ulasan:

waheemenaip berkata...

yasui iiiiiii~~;P

best kew?cm xbape mnarik je isi nye.ahaha

.Si kEmunCuP. berkata...

bhs dy snang phm.
tp law org x ske buku jnis2 gni, myb l rse buhsan skett kot..

tp try le bce dlu. =)

nisa berkata...


mcm best je buku men are from mars women are from venus..
sblum ni pernah dgr tajuk buku ni..

sesuai utk men je ke??..hihi..

wah all the best my fren 4 ur exam..

shiken gambarou!!!..hihi^_^

waheemenaip berkata...

da kalau wawa yg mncdngkn buku,kne bc nih~..
somthing mezurashii;)

.Si kEmunCuP. berkata...

akmal, what are u thinking huh?

nisa, xdek la, dlm bku nie dy bg exmple n explain about both sex, so ssuai utk laki n pempuan. myb tym bce sal xplanation part prempuan, nnt mesti cm terasa, aah la, cm terkena batang hidung sndri plak. hehe.

^_^ berkata...

mne ko dpt 1000yen?
bookstore ke?ak try search kt rakuten pon 2000yen++.. yg nk mtk as omiyage ni...haha =p

shiken gambarou~!!

.Si kEmunCuP. berkata...


cbe try tgok kt amazon dz
aq bli kt amazon nie, bli to iuka, dpt free sbb tebus point. hik2.

bce bku free mmg best!



alhuda berkata...** :)