u know what, when girls tengah 'tu', they're tend to be more sensitive - kuat marah, cepat t'sentuh (dlm erti kate laen mudah menangis), mudah terasa, kuat mengamuk, selera makan tinggi - kuat makan, every minutes kne ad sumthin dikunyah no matter sedap ke x sedap, kolestrol tngi ke x tngi, mknn sihat ke x sihat, kewarasan berkurang - x mmpu b'pk ng baek, pki tangkap muat, sapu sendat.
in conclusion, best equation describe those girls :
emotional > rational
hi there!
its exam weeks here, n i'm stuck with many things to be taken into my consideration. too many subjects need to b started from ZERO - sape suh x g kelas, spe suh mls print slide, spe suh mls dnga sensei aja, spe suh bla bla, spe suh blurr blurr.. uwekk.
7 papers straight through next week, 2papers on monday, tuesday n wed, while one more left on thursday.
wawa, hwaiting!
iA, usaha tangga kejayaan :)
4 ulasan:
kak wawa: sy da kpunan roti telur aritu...but 7Es to0 far away..T.T n its to0 cold outside utk pegi mngayuh mcri roti d tengah2 mlm...T.T
senkei + xde kunyah2 = xseronok T.T
seb bek dr td umah x lekang2 ng mknn. pas satu, satu.
nway, roti aritu siyes sedap. esok nk g bli la! :D
shiken gudluck deyh :)
'tu' tu ape??? (sambil buat muka abis innocent)
incik bas,
muke innocent anda x b'jye =.=
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