Isnin, 3 Januari 2011

winter break

no tym to update belog, winter break - trip to nagasaki n fuku0ka. hoho.
njoy some of my fav pic there. heee.

view of fukuoka city from fuku0ka tower. simple pic, but great scenery.

normal japanese family, dikarikaturkn dlm bntuk teddy bear - teddy bear museum, huis ten bosch, nagasaki.

 fireworks of new year celebration, 2011. had great time countdown with all d native japanese. - huis ten bosch.

super loike. (even gmb snirik) credit to d cameraman :)
taken in front of fuku0ka tower.

sorry, diz tyme camera was not in my hand, so harapkn si cameraman, dy pon x pndi lg pki canon x4, org bese d90 la katekan, so kurang la pic dr bese. huhu.

tp its ok, since evrythin was so perfectly awesome, great people, great vacation, next year ley plan for another trip rigth, minna..? hehehe. 

2 ulasan:

ishiko berkata...

happy new year... lame sembunyik.. hehehe~

.Si kEmunCuP. berkata...

epi new yer too..!
bkn smbunyik la..g vacation ng kgkwn tu yg x smpt nk updet belog..heee..