yeap, i'm fine. everyone, dun worry, i'm terrificly fine. (dushh..over plak pki adverb tuh)
anyway, seriously i'm fine lorh. haha.
sold my former iphone 3g for RM300. mura sgt? ng bro sndri xkn nk kire lebey2 kot.. 3ratos ni pon terpow x sengaje, awal2 siyes xd niat nk jual ye. huhu. berukband nye pasal le nih, kne cri income sampingan nk tampong.
aktivit harini, bermesej-mesejan dgn besfren lme, ex-dormate, lg tepat kate, ex-bedmate. hoho. ye la, katil ktorg kembar dua kot. hehe. bdak ATMA, fuyooo..kua2 jd tentera kah bliaw? nway, PEREMPUAN la, obvious kot, da nme pon BEDMATE xkn jantan plak kn.
haq si x-bedmate n bib, si kwn baek. :)
best ble bersembang dgn kwn lme nih. msing2 akn catch up blik ttg perkembangan msing2. n msing2 akn teruja dgn perubahan both side. serius ckp, sy sgt teruja tgok kwn sy sorang tu dah semakin matang espc dr segi pemikiran dy n how she's making decision for her future. not to mention, kwn sy yg bernama cik BIB tu pon seorang yg da semakin berpandangan jaoh ye. wow, they're getting matured!
dah punya aim tersendiri, da tahu ap yg nak dikejar n ap yg mereka sedang work on. then, sy tgok blik dri sndri. selama ni mmg hidop juz follow the flow. x pernah btol2 buat keputusan yg dijudge ats kemahuan sndri or minat n so on. x pernah terpikir yg mse depan tu da semakin menghampiri n perlu diambil serius.
arini sy ckp sy nk jd lecturer, x mustahil esok lusa sy akn ckp sy nk jd engineer. n x mustahil jugk minggu depan pulak sy akn ckp sy xnk keje n nk kawen jek. i'm pretty sure, ramai jek org cm sye kn? myb dlm 1000 remaja di luar sne (umur sy ni still considered as remaja kn?), bpe kerat le sgt yg btol2 have a dream they're chasing on kn? bpe kerat le sgt yg mmg btol2 ad aim n goal dlm hidop deme kn? we're juz following d flow, btol x?
decide what it is dat u want in evry area if ur life. iamgine it vividly. then act on ur desires by actually constructing your personal goal book. convert ur ideas into concrete realities through simple exercise. there are no impossible dreams. n remember, God gives the best for His servants.
- Chicken Soup for the Soul
see... act on ur desires.
i'm trying to motivate myself to work on my dream. yet, i don't even know whether it is my dream or not. perhaps, it is.
n i leave it to God to decide it for me.
2 ulasan:
waaa...terharu suda aku....aku masuk blog k0...hehehe..mekaseh wawa...frend 4 eva...
err..gmbr tu aku jongos je..hahah
eyh, fes time, nver know u read my belog!
(klo x, da berbakol-bakol da aq kipas2 sket :D )
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