Isnin, 31 Oktober 2011

main keteg-keteg...?

alamak.kne tag dgn sorang budak yg ske maen tag-mengetag. untuk menjaga hati kecilnye, mari layan... :)

 1.You must post these rules. 
 2.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal. 

 3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. 
    And create eleven new questions for people you tagged to answer. 
 4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post
 5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her. 
 6.No tag backs. 
 7.No stuff in the tagging section about 
    'You are tagged if you are reading this' you legitimately 
    (a.k.a really, trust, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people

eyh, tp sy berhak utk mengubahedit rules nye kn? :p

(1) da bubuh da kt ats tuh..

(2) 11 things about myself

inche tagger+inche baby+sy yg innesen

- wawa --- dpt name wawa mase form1, akk senior bg.
- 22tahun --- baru 22, bkn da 22.
- x mkn pedas --- x baek utk kesihatan perut.
- lately minat jyj --- jejoong yuchun junsu <3
- sgt senang jatuh chenta --- mamat ensem ngorat sikit, caer tros kot ;p
- panas baran --- cube wat sy marah, bakar umah satgi!
- suke fizik --- nk jg lecturer fizik bley?
- pki mp3 mse tdo --- sbb insomnia x abes2
- tinggi 161cm --- sje bgtaw, nk cri laki tinggi >171cm :p
- x suke teddy bear --- ad pnglmn ngeri
- suke berpoya-poya. err..sume org cmtu kot!

(3) soklan dri tagger a.k.a inche aimi

1. kalau anda boleh jd satu benda,nk jadi ape?
- jam tangan jenama casio :))
2. ape mnde yg rse2 nk cerita tp klu tulis kt blog mcm gedik?..
- pnglmn jatuh chenta kali pertama. *omg, tlis ni pon da rs gedix*
3. adekah korang membenci diri korg?
- x penah.
4. masjid kat atas ni korg da bce x?
- kompem la da.warga hiroshima berjaya ;)
5. ape bnde yg korg suke tp org len xsuke?
- programming! thehhe.
6. kalau ttibe de org hensem, pandai, beragama, kaya, datang minang korang next week tu nikah, korang nak x?
- aminnn.....kompem nak!
7. bila pk jepun korang pikir ape?
- selipar jepun.
8.  ape 1 bnde pada korang paling teruk dilakukan manusia?..1 je
- cannibal! mcm ayam mkn tulang ayam. yewwww..
9. kite kenal ke?..
- x kenal rsenye..
10. skali pndg, ape 1st impression pd sy?..negative accepted..jujur lah
- minah indon! lol
11. ni soalan last, pernah x korg menyesal bercinta?
- huermm..hurm...huermmm..hurmmm...huermmm.


how if i skip the next rules? no one says i can't right :p
adek tagger yg maness, jgn mara aa..hik3.

nah, g jogetjoget dgn lagu nih ;p

4 ulasan:

Amy A. berkata...

sy sonnani indon desuka?...:((

.Si kEmunCuP. berkata...

negative accepted tte ;p

men2 jek la.aimi kn salu citer salu disalah anggap indon dek org indon.hik3.

MizzMiza berkata...

wawachan 161cm????????????kak miza yori takai no???shinjirarene.dulu wawa-chan kecikk jeeee..huhu

.Si kEmunCuP. berkata...


bkn akk tinggi ke?? haaa..tu la, sy pn x prasan, sedar2 da tinggi ni, nk pki heels pon rs serba slh :p