tajuk agak x bley blah kan? ad x mcm sipi2 ahadiat akashah punye geng tajuk? *x fhm knp sebut name bliaw kt cni,rse cm best jek*
muka terasa memedih setiap kali dicuci -- jerawat bertandang lagi. stresskah? mungkin. terlalu byk sgt perkara yg difikirkan sampai serabut celaru bercampur aduk kesemuanya.
'dun give a dang on neither love nor hatred. just be cool, and pray for the best.
dun have to rush, be patient and just follow the flow, iAllah one day soon Allah will grant the best imam for you.
but, for a better man u need to be a better woman first. dun b a woman who's struggling to get a good man, but be a good woman who's worth for a good man to fight for,'-- puan sahabat yg baek ht.
'dun fall for just anybody. be wise in order not to get hurt again. in fact, u know better what u should do and what u shouldn't. permulaan kepada transformasi diri ialah dengan berlaku jujur terhadap dri sndri. stop playing with reasons. stop creating reasons.' -- che kawan yg hurm,baek jugk.
'if it is really a good thing, u'll not have any single act of hesitance in your action, as well as in your word. think about it,'-- inche beah.
alhamdulillah inche meah da nk smpi, iAllah by this thursday. wuuu..smngt membuak-buak untuk mengamek lesen, hoyeahhh~ but still, need to be patient first. ad beberapa kekangan yg x dpt dielakkan, so ilek dlu. huhu.
kelam-kelibut jugk nk mensetelkn byk perkara berkaitan. tmbh2 pula sy selaku insan (bce as prempuan) yg lemah, yg ske bergantung, yg kononnye xreti nk wt ppe, sntiase memerlukan pertolongn org laen. haih..
sbnanye xd la langsung x mmpu berdikari n wat sndri. tp ble sumthin serius like dis, wat if tersalah langkah, wat if tersalah buat n mnyebabkn kerugian berman-man, or tmbh buruk kondisi abes lesap segalanya. who's to blame? dri sndri yg xnk bertanya? dri sndir yg xnk minx tlg org?
but what to do, tis is not an ego syndrom. it is in fact terguris-bila-dilayan-dgn-agk-tsumetai-syndrom. ye, sy kn seorg yg sgt sgt sgt sgt super duper sensitif. mmg la senang terguris. ble org b'gurau kasar secara serius pon terguris kot. emosi.
i dun want to work as an engineer. thus, why do i need to go to the career fair, preparing the resume and so on? can i not do it?
'of course u can. who says u can't? tu si polan2 tu x pegi pon. so, xnk xyah aa g... nk stress2 plak,' -- amboi kasarrr. ckp leklok xbleyh? klo mls nk lyn pon xya layan, xya jwb dgn jwpn yg menyakitkn ht. emosi nih.
bile ditimbang pros n cons nye, mmg wajar la pegi ke career fair nih. cube bygkn, how if u didn't manage to get any master offer from uni of malaysia? what are u going to do? ur parents rich enough to support u?
'i can just mingle aroung doing nothin, spend time with mak ayah. then, when there's time rse nk keje, start applying,' like a boss. oh x, like a anak boss.
what to do.....i want to further my study maa. be a lecturer, not an engineer. but how come i still cannot see the route, the path which will lead me to there. and yeah i know, it is still early maa.. but what to do, i still think that i have to take them seriously..
ekceli, there's much thing that i can do. ble ditanya org sne sini, ramai jek yg membantu n bg info2 yg perlu. tp tuh la, ble evrythin kne cri sndri from a to z, mule la rse mcm...aaaaa mlsnye nk pk!
tuh la, mls. mengharap evrythin dtg bergolek. ciss.
p/s-- ponteng lab atas restu bapak. i'm sorry. esok sy dtg dgn smngt baru.hehe.
4 ulasan:
fikir apa yang kau betul2 nak buat sebenarnya.mungkin kerja dulu sekejap nak timba pengalaman.baru sambung master.mana la tau kan. =) good luck wawa!
aq rse cm da btol da ap yg aq pk aq nk tuh.hehehe.
tp tuh la, wt mse ni try jek sume dlu eyh, nnt iA dpt yg terbaek kot kn :))
thx lia!
wawa beli keta ke???ke amek lesen international??
youuuuu.haritu ade i bg link kt dz offer dr jpa utk wat masters kt jepun. so in think utk future batch ade lagi la kot. cbe tgk2 kt website jpa
heee..u kne dtg cni la tgok sndri huda :p
oo..sal master kt jpon i no interest laa..nk smbg kt mesia iA. harus segera pulang utk ayhbunda ;))
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