Isnin, 20 Disember 2010

hOoyeaah lagi!

friends come and go, but the memory remains. ^^,

mates in hirOshima. bihOku illumination 2010.

mukaddimah xbley bla. hoho. 
blurp, alhamdulillah kenyang. pergh, siyes 2 pinggan nasik di kala malam2 begini mmg nikmat. mata mmg xmo bukak da, dok kedip2 nk tdo jek kije. tp esok, ad shiken le plak. bgn2 wawa, time to study!!


kembali membedek-bedek folder album lama masa zaman muda2 di aaj. terkejut bile terjumpa gmb ni,

o my god o my god o my god....!
how could i sleep well every night with kyle xy keep staring at me like that?? 

gosh, really forgot about dat poster! haha! how innocent i was back then. (well, actually seems like its just d same atmosphere with my room right now..haha. but its not kyle anymore la.)
see, dat avril poster. waa...sgt sgt sgt suke sme bliaw suatu ketika dahulu. skunk, neutral. huhu. lagu dy pon anmari dnga sgt, ntah ad lagu baru ke tidak, langsung x amek tahu da.(haha. bruno mars le ngeri le plak klo tarok muke dy besor2 tang tepi katil.kui3)

natsukashii gler dat KAMI the movie. since dat muvy, siyes rs liyana jasmay tu super kawaii.(but still tym tgok muvy tu dok kutuk2 ap nk jd ng remaja masa kini..haha)

'cinta adalah cinta' - oops, dunt get me wrong. i'm not dat jiwunk karat besi kuprum. just love dat super duper cute kitties n dats explained it all. leona lewis? not my type (alamak.gaya jwp cm les gler!), but really luv 'bleeding love' song one time ago. haaaa...jgn wat2 x nmpk poster LELAKI tak boleh blah.. tuh. tu ichiban daisukina poster. silap plak x cabut tym kuar blik dlu, klo x ley tampal kt dinding room skunk.hoho.
yg cm ngeri sket tuh gmb poster batman, dark knight klo x silap. agk kowai jugk actually mlm2 coz dat joker kn mati suicide gtu la kononnye gosip tym tuh kn, hoho. ad plak gmb joker besor kt ctu.heee.. d last one, orlando bloom..?...jgn tye la...hehehehehehe..(nada gatal x hingat)

haa..d cute one in majime spec tu was my rumet a.k.a classmate. mmg tiap2 ari g mne2 nmpk muke dy la senang citer..hahaha. seb bek x bosan, kan akmal? n lg sorg tu, my supercool deskmate. haha. very funny one. miss her damn much - saga daigaku.

with another one of my 'super cool' fren. currently in gunma daigaku. owh gosh, wut d heck with those scary eye-bag?? haih... well, a lil bit about diz luvly lady, mary, we started to be closed to each other since both prefer to take the last row of seats during the jugyo in the big lecture hall.(ADK1 if i'm not mistaken). instead of focusing on the class lesson, we would prefer to do something else, n the funny thing is, when one of us terkantoi. once a time, tbe2 sensei panggil nama utk suh baca example ayat or what, n then kami berdua akn saling blank smbil memandang antara satu sama lain, dgn kepala penuh tanda soal , ' sensei suh baca yg mana?' - hahaha. mmg sokmo la gtu! tp bpe byk kali kne pon, still x insaf2. haih...

us, using my 2 pixel nokia's 6300 phone's camera. ala, yg cam afdlin shauki pakai dlm citer sepi tuh. hehehe. tym tu bangga giler fon sama ng afdlin shauki. kui3. rsenye da meleret sgt da ntry kali ni.
iitai koto td, just nk ckp,

frens come and go, but the memory remains.

p/s. aaaa..ano toki modoritai kedo..klo sy berjalan ke blkg, bile pule sy akn maju ke depan, kn?

4 ulasan:

Unknown berkata...


.Si kEmunCuP. berkata...

ye la..pervert. sme la tu, synonym. hehe.

Bib berkata...

yang penting ada selimut spongebob & bantal lembu aku ye :D :D
rindu nya zaman tuuuuu
merempat kat bilik C504 :D

.Si kEmunCuP. berkata...

bantal spongebob tu yg xley blah bib...

hhehe..btol2..rndu kn zmn2 tuh. aih, nasik lemak bungkus daun pisang sec14 terbaekkk la..