Ahad, 25 Mac 2012


banyak kali terpk, mungkin sy patot berhenti berbelog. bukan tiada masa, tapi tiada cerita. tiada apa yg menarik untuk dikongsikan, malah agak hilang minat untuk menaip; membuang masa.

but then, sy terpk pulak, bukan kene bayar pon... tibe2 rse nk menaip memaki hamun mcm mne? perlulah tmpt untuk diluahkan isi hati kn..belog lah tmptnye. eheh.

so, hisa bisa menaip belog semula, nannka te ga katai. tangan keras n kaku, liat utk mengikut gerak atur akal yg menyusun kata. enter backspace. enter backspace. sudahnye, pening.

.............xto nk tlis ape da.............

in this world there's a whole lot of pain
in this world there's a whole lot of trouble
but a whole lot of ground to gain
why take when you could be giving
why watch as the world goes by
it's a hard enough life to be living
why walk when you can fly?
-mary carpenter-

alhamdulillah, bergelar pelajar tahun 4 (final year..weehu!) hiroshima university, 
integration of industrial engineering, operations research, and human factors for planning, scheduling, and controlling systems. menarik kn bunyinye?

yes, production systems engineering laboratory, in which i belong to.

kedengarannya x cool sgt la berbanding robotics lab kn. tp xpe, pempuan nk wtpe cool2 sgt, kang payah plak nk cri laki yg lebey cool ;))

ehehe. smngt nk mule sem baru.