Exam da abes n skrg da start natsu yasumi or in englishnye~summer holiday!
yEah,its the tym dat i've been waiting for..i'll be come back to malaysia,to see my beluv parent. It is just about ten days from now....can't wait till 19th of sept.
* be cool wawa~u've being waited for 6 months till today, there'll b no reason u can't wait for another more ten days right?
well...as the holidays got started, there are too many activities in my calendar right now...tomorrow,we'll be going to seaside of shimane (an hour from hiroshima) for our family day,then the next day i'll b in yamanashi to meet my friends there and also hve to support them for hiking the mount of fuji! Fuji san,they are coming~but without me..i'll be just mingling around at fujikyuu then..
two days ago, my senior took me to a conference by all the youth nation around the world. As we all know, my 'hometown' Hiroshima had being bombed in 6th of august( sorry,can't remember the year specifically), thus there'll be someone special from Malaysia that is going to give a talk. and i was so so xcited to see him! Our 4th prime minister, he was here~
it was my 1st tym to see him eye to eye...1st tym to see him giving talk...He was so amazing...Compared to everyone who also gave speech before him, he was the best. Talking his idea on his own without referring to any text..Yeah, of course he had his own text but about 60~70% of his speech is not based on the text. (we realized it as we saw the translator having quite some problem translating his words of speech into japanese =P )
i'm not a pro-governmet or anti-government neither...but, as he was the one who invented this "LOOK EAST POLICIES", the policies that had allowed me to be here today stdying in japan, so i'm just being too xcited hve the chance to meet him...
well, maybe i'm too lack of knowledges to talk much about politics but my mind hve been set up that i should respect evrybody who has being there along my journey of life and he is one of them.
*to see evryone were giving him a tremendously big applouse for his speech, i were very proud to hve him in my country as i can able to say ~ he used to b my prime minister b4~
then,after the speech,we've had d opportunity to hve some chat with him and of course la to snap few pictures..
"blaja leklok..kamu suma ni produk of malaysia",he said...
his wife was also there and talking like a mom to us...
giving some advices
and also reminded us about our health...(h1N1..)..
really soft and had d feelin lyk a mom is holding our hand.
.never imagine that she was too kind and such a humble person..
and u know wat~they were coming to dat conference place just by bus with all of his bodyguards and teams .. ( i still remembered when i was in AAj, wyf of Abe~ the Japan's prime minister on dat tym, coming to our place and she was in a merc or somekind like limousin..heee...)
heeehe....k2..enuf for today bcoz i'm going to clebrate my friend's birthday after diz...
thanks God, having my life till this seconds and still be able to breathe ur priceless air..
5 ulasan:
~"blaja leklok..kamu suma ni produk of malaysia",he said...--->mendalam mksudnye ...
well iitai koto suh blik keje kt mesia la tuh...
salam...apa khabar kak??najihah ni..lama tak dengar cerita
salam. ni wawa eh?
kenal aku tak?
selamat hari raya~ ^^
hit me back in my blog ---> aurisshaira89.blogspot.com
miss you
sori sis,najihah...akk da lme x bkk diz blog...pas blik dr mesia quite bz nk choose subject for new sem..
well,i'm in hiroshima now..n u are in KMB right?(if i not mistaken)
ainul,of coz l i knal u!hehe...
slmt ari rye jgk...lme beno aq x bkk blog aq nih...
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