Sabtu, 30 Julai 2011

welcome ramadhan!

Ramadhan is coming, lets d festive begins..!
selamat menyambut Ramadhan al-mubarak kepada semua umat islam di seluruh dunia, tidak kira di mana jua anda berada, ap yg sedang lakukan n bersama siapa anda sekarang.
eyh? ad ke ucapan mcm nih?

kali ke sepuluh menyambut Ramadhan tidak bersama family. i'm sorry mama, anakmu ini berjuang di rantau, dan perjalanannye masih panjang, doakan perjalananku dipermudah ye. :)

amalan yg amat x wajar di bulan puasa ;

(1) tidur, tidur dan tidur - selagi blom pkol dua, mata xmo bkk. jam ting tong dua kali tnde da kol dua, bru terhegeh-hegeh g mandi then solat zohor. dua tiga jam kendian, tidur balik, konon-kononnye sementara nk tnggu waktu berbuka. heh.

(2) laptop, laptop dan laptop - sela masa antara tidur dan jaga 85% disumbangkn oleh laptop. tgok citer, drama korea japan omputeh. haih, pahala pose lesap sket-sket tmbh2 dok tgok kiss scene (espc citer omputeh yg sgt ghairah adegan2 x enaknye itu)

(3) makan sehabis daya - selagi getah suar x ketat, selagi perut masih muat, time berbuka sumbat sehabis mau. mcm mane nk kurus? mkn berbuka pose tu tripple mkn time biase. x cmpur lagi makan pas smyg terawih.

(4) mandi berjam-jam - mandi pakai air mcm nak abes satu kolah. nasib baik xd swimming pool, klo x mmg da berendam mcm hippopotamus da kt dlm tuh.

(5) over berbelanja - kalo pegi bazar ramadhan tuh, rasa cm satu gerai tu nk angkot bawak balik. da la kueh chantek kaler-kaler, lauk plak fuuuh sekali pandang hati teros tertawan. duet mmg mengalir mcm air longkang la cmni.

(6) malas terawih - saket perot la, penin kepala la, ngantox la, bnyk betul la alasan utk malas berterawih. nk pegi masjid lagi la, masjid jauh la konon. kata ngantox, tapi bley plak dok pegi ngadap tv x gerak-gerak. haih.

eyh byk lagi la, tp yg ni jek yg plg igt n berada dlm carta teratas la yg sy lakukan. hukss, mai mai kite cube berubah, jadi baek sket drpd taon lepas. mana nk tau, ntah-ntah ni ramadhan terakhir. 
mari kite berfesta ibadah!

oh, abang-abang yg nk belajar berenti merokok, mungkin inilah masanya. eyh, sy xd mslh dgn para perokok, hak individu kan, eyh i dun mind.hehe. (p/s bakal suami, u merokok u macho,u x merokok lg macho)

juga, utk kakak-kakak yg nk melaram chantek berbaju raya size S (sy la jugk tuh), moh same-same kite memanfaatkn bulan ini sebaiknya. :)

'ya Allah, semoga dipermudahkan exam di bulan ramadhan, moga bertambah berkat n lebih aktif n jitu akal mengerah keringat nk jwb soklan, amin..'

i'd be glad if u mind spending some time watch this vid!

welcome ramadhan!

hidup segan mati xmo.

i'm supposed to be studying right now.
but u know, in our life there is a time when we feel like don't want to do anything.

today i dun feel like doin anythin
i just wanna lay in my bed
don't feel like pickin up my phone
so leave a message at the tone
coz today i swear i'm doin anythin
nothin at all

worse comes to worst when it is not the right time for us to be lazying around like this. and that is what's happening to me right now.

i'm just being in the wrong place at the wrong time and have the wrong feeling.

then, what is right?
be at the library, espc two days before the final exam, and giving out my best on evry single subject that i take.

p/s - its really not a good sign if i'm still like this even after i've called my mum n dad. God, please help me.

Khamis, 28 Julai 2011

entry boLa.

jgn terkejot.
arini nk wat entry sal bola.
bola itu bulat. n bulat itu bola. ok, brenti merapu.

baru pas tgok mesia lwn singapura td.

tau x prasaannye cmne?
tgok frust, x tgok rse durhaka.

malam ni cm berusaha jugak tgok sbb tkot nnt org kate KY(kuuki yomenai) sbb x tgok. 
KY tu cm nerd x reti ikot trending org keliling la.
eyh, tp sy mmg nerd :p

leklek dowh, jgn maki-maki.adat maen la ad kalah menang, toksah la nk p blame org tu lagu tu lagu ni. (care terbaik utk menenangkn dri sndri ble kte berada di pihak yg kalah)

'kalah bermaruah'
'kite kalah xpe, better than team penoh foreigner!'
'drama queeen, kalah brad pitt'

'world class la apek!'
yg pempuan dok pakat-pakat rebot inche KF la pulak.. KF bukan KY ye. dy da b'tunang dude. ala, bru tunang, kan? (eyh, termasok forum gosip plak.maap)

credit da cube cari gmbr plg ensem, x terjupe le plak.

anyway, sy suke bola.
tp sy juge sgt sgt sgt sgt beremosi ble tgok bola.
jd, tindakan plg wajar n matang utk sy memelihara emosi n prasaan sy ni adelah dgn X TGOK BOLA.
bce kt berita mesia kalah - cool. hati terguris sket, tp x kua darah.
tgok kt streaming mesia kalah - err.hati luka berdarah then ditempek dgn garam.pedih kott.

emosi kan??
(ketahuilah air mata sy kua mse german klh dgn spain semi-final world cup dlu.melelehhh..)

siapa kata hati x syg.
siapa kata jiwa x patriotik.

walau di mana pun bumi kupijak n langit kujunjung, mesia tetap di hati beb. 
(rse nk cm letak plak lgu negaraku kt cni)

p/s - bola mmpu menyatukn manusia. lupe da mne satu hitam, coklat, putih. x nmpk beza da mne si kuning mne si merah. ouch, rndu tanah airku yg aman!

Rabu, 27 Julai 2011

am i a freak?!

i had read someone's blog before. its about how people think he's such a freak because he couldn't bear to see any helaian rambut in the bathroom sink.

maybe because he is HE, not SHE like me. if not, i guess people might not have think so.
or, they would still do...?

am i a freak ?
klo sy kate i tend to spend hours in bathroom if i'm stressed.
no matter wut problem it is, love quarrel, friends fight, tonne of programming homework, or even PMS, i found memberus n menyental bilik air itu somehow mereleasekn tension.

am i a freak ?
klo sk kate sy xley tgok laci2 yg x bertutup rapat. u have taken wut u want from it, so why can't u properly tutup dat laci balik rapat-rapat? it makes me wanna selotep letak gam gajah bia melekat tros smpey xley bkk.

am i a freak ?
klo sy kate sy xley tgok pisau gunting senduk sudip terbongkang atas meja or tepi sinki n x disimpan blik ke tempat asalnye selepas digunakan, sehingga wat sy rse nk buang sume mnde tu dlm tong smph.

am i a freak ?
klo sy kate sy xley tgok hanger baju-bajuan bersidaian di rel besi langsir n terbiar dlm keadaan begitu selama lebih dua hari, ia wat sy rse nk msokkn blik bju2 tu dlm mesin basuh.

am i a freak ?
klo sy kate sy xley tgok alas kaki terselak sana sini, tersenget herot berot smpi da x nmpk rupenye yg empat segi, smpi sy rs nk tmpl double sided kt blkg alas kaki tu utk bg dy x gerak n x disepak-sepak.

am i a freak ?
klo sy kate sy xley tgok berus gigi, ubat gigi, pencuci muka, bertaburan atas sinki n x disusun baek-baek kt tmpt rak dy smpi sy rse nk bungkus2 sorok letak dlm baldi.

am i a freak ?
klo sy kate sy xley tgok selimut n bantal berterabor atas katil n x disusun dgn baek sehingga sy rs nk buang bantal2 tu bia tinggal katil jek.

am i a freak ?
klo sy kate sy rimas tgok kertas yg bersepah x disusun dlm fail, buku yg bersepah x disusun baek-baek dalam rak, n pensil n pen yg berterabor di mane-mane n x diletak baek2 kt dlm bekas, plg senang, tarok dlm mug letak ats meja jek la.

yeah, i'm a freak, i'm a dork. n i know, i'm already a nerdy.

so millions thanks to people out there yg bley tolerate/deal dgn a freak like me.

but dun worry, i'll never freak u out with my other side personality of hot-tempered.
i'm trying to be cool man.

as cool as ice.

anyway, esok ad 0ne paper to go. n tadi people stared at me like i'm a real nerdy sbb menghusung kertas purinto bwk study sana-sini. ekceli sy juz stdy dpan lif kt tmpt org byk lalu-lalang.
so wut?


ad kerusi kt ctu n xd org duduk. so wuts wrong klo sy dok ctu baek2, study my purinto smbil mengunyah-ngunyah my snickers.
u know, we can't eat in d library.

so guys, wish me luck for my exam!
and pliz pliz plizzzzz.. do pray for me! i know i byk dose to u all, so, do forgive me for evrything yg i t'syasyul t'maki t'marah t'jeling n bla bla.
u know i lap u right?

p/s. understandings n tolerable.

Selasa, 26 Julai 2011


lucky person got their soul-mates as their lovers.

what is soul-mates?
according to my most reliable source (which is wikipedia), a soulmate is a person with whom one has a felling of DEEP or NATURAL affinity, similarity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, or compatibility.

erm. it can be anybody! ur sibling, ur friend (same gender or not is out of matter), even might be ur mum, dad, or possibly ur grandpa?

whoeva it is, lucky person got their soulmates as their lovers (read as husband or wife).

heyy u, who's u're looking for??
i'm ur soul-mate yaa :)

p/s. 80% of my 'maa ne' is to define 'whateva' feeling that i have. 

Isnin, 25 Julai 2011

hamba insan biasa

mati itu pasti, hidup iA.

mukaddimah peringatan utk dri sndri n kgkwn yg rjin menyinggah belog :)

anyway, arini x seindah yg disangka. exam mengejut - cukup untuk bagi gegaran besar sbgi pembuka hari. dgn persediaan yg zero, masa sejam 30minit digunakan sehabis baik cuba untuk mencover segala yg perlu.
x berapa nice jugk la perasaan x dpt memenuhkan kertas jawapan exm even soklan nya sejibik dgn kertas enshu mingguan.

dats why org ckp, last minit preparation tu x baek.

well. iA 30/100 mampu dikutip kot, andai x terbuat silly mistakes terkhilaf mana-mana lah. pengajaran utk dri sdnri supaya x tdo lg dlm class. err, tdo msih boleh dimaapkn, pengajaran supaya x ponteng class la kot, tgok ap da jadi dgn dri sndri, exam ad ke xde ke tu pon xto.

musim skola berbaki dua minggu jek lagi, masih sempatkah untuk berubah? n klo berubah pun, masih terdaya lagikah untuk menyelamatkn dri sndri yg da semakin terkapai-kapai hilang arah dan hala tuju?
matlamat yg kian semakin kurang jelas, cita-cita yg entah semakin menghilang ke mana, dan juga azam serta kecekalan yg semakin hari semakin pudar.

bkn senang nk dapatkn turning point tu blik kn?

me too.

p/s.jauhkan dri daripada terjangkit blik korean drama fever. currently watching lie to me ep8. 8more to go.urghh.exm lg dua tiga hari na no ni...

Ahad, 24 Julai 2011


can't believe this

is that kurt??
unbelievable.. siyesly, i can't stop laughing. dat is not my machoas cool ensem kurt schneider, he's totally look different. betsujin mitai.

owh, for those yg x knal kurt, u can just wiki it (does it count as verb for wikipedia?)

btw, kurt was (myb still) my crush before dave

(tensen blaja)


another entry for the day.
so what_?

i got problem with my new keyboard, still can't get used to it since my '?' mark always comes with '_'
like this,

who are you_?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 
see, the '_' mark before the '?'... 

well, u can see the '_' mark is right next to the '?' mark.
so u know its not only me yg salu do the typo like '_?' this kn. :)

dats not the point for today's entry.

i'm done with pretty little liars season 1. so much complication and its kinda piss me off, believe me.
and i'm trying to get myself on track by starting to watch season 2, but i stop at d second episode.

u ask me why?
bcoz i'm feeling like wanna puke. complicated. the writer sure does know well how to keep the viewer attached with the series, and she got me as well.

we know that kind of jerk ( i mean A) is some kind impossible and the story line is wayyy out of our logical mind, but we still ternganga dpn our laptop, kusyuk marathon 24hours per day watching the series n trying to figure out who the antagonist is, or, are.

i better stop watching this now since the final exams are just around the corner. 
wish me luck n do pray for my success. 

p/s. cheer on toby n spencer! :p

Sabtu, 23 Julai 2011

arini panas dan penat

as salam........!

entry untuk hari ini :

bangun tengah hari then diasak oleh che dila kekaseh lama utk g shinai shopping sesame. even poket da kering, tp kwn kate nk banje kn, layan kn aje :p

berjalan kaki menuju ke bus stand utk tunggu bus nk ke shinai, terserempak dgn kouhai sempoi suke berpoye, che fiza. katenye mau ikot join sekaki untuk berjoli. i, layan aje. kouhai senpai same aje suke berpoye.

sejam perjalanan.
sampai di shinai.
bersesat-sesatan n berpanas-panasan di area sogo. terpacak sebentar di depan umah hantu yg giat dipromosi. musim panas kan hantu-hantu jepun kuar. terdetik di hati nk masok, tp keberanian sejemput jek ade, x cukup.

お留守番 - ketakotan berseorangn di rumah tatkala ibu tiada, mungkin keluar berhoneymoon bersama ayah.

mule bershopping.
first time tau shoutengai tu kedai kt leret-lereng jalan. mati-mati ingat selama ni shoutengai tu name tmpt shopping kt tokyo.hikss. then, kami pun menyelusuri jalan hondori smbil berlegar-legar tanpa hala tuju. sale melambak, tp xd nafsu pulak nk bershopping. bosan jugk ekceli.heh.

aktiviti wajib - purikura.
400yen terbang bergolek masok ke dalam mesin purikura. pergh, sume pakat beraksi lagak model da setaon debut. sy pon sakan juge melihat mata cantek bulat persis kartun.hehe. bile lagi nk nmpk chantekk..

seee... we all sume nmpk santekkk kn?
eyh mmg semulajadi da santek pon :p

next, hanabi taikai.
sepatutnye agenda utama, tp terlari pulak jadual perjalanan. start patot kol 8 tp kami still dlm train ats jln tuh. berdentam-dentum bunyi bunga api pembukaan, kami hanya mampu mengintai melalui pantulan cahaya di bangunan drpd dlm densha. eyh terbuat ayat keling, maap, mengantok.
8.15; selamat tiba ke tempat hanabi taikai. manusia berduyun-duyun macam semut. jadi terpaksalah kami membuat keputusn utk hnye melihat dari jauh.
agak sedih n kechiwa. dtg jejaoh penat-penat panas-panas, dpt tgok bunga api dr jauh jek.
eyh, tp terang jelas lagi clear jek nk tgok. n ramai jek yg dok geng ngn kami tgok dr jauh jek. cume, basic lens camera sy x mmpu nk cecah. huhu.

tgok, kn da ckp camera x mmpu nk cecah!

8.50, mula bergerak pulang. hanabi tamat kol 9 tp kami terpaksa bergerak awal sbb xnk sesak2 dgn insan-insan nihonjin nih. tapi apakan daya, mereka jue berstrategi same rupenye. x pasal-pasal bersardin plak kt dlm densha td.
plg xley blah, sedap plak mamat td dok bersandar-sandar kt belakang i ye.ceyh, ikot hati nk jek wat-wat tertolak kasar. tp klo tertolak pon dy x terjatoh pon sbb xd ruang nk terjatoh, sendat kene himpit dgn manusia lain. haih.

smpi umah kol sblas lebih.

aktiviti tidak terhenti di sini. sebagai penutup hari berpoya-poya, pegi maen bunga api plak kt kagamiyama kouen. kredit tu inche mat yg baek hati sbb sudi pegi maen same-same dgn kami. empat orang anak dara nk maen bunga api di kala tika jam 12 malam agk x indah n menguji adrenalin.
jadi, dgn kehadiran jejaka gagah kacak bergaya, terasa lebih selamat n dilindungi. eceh, ayat mengampu.

1.30 pagi - selamat tiba di rumah.
mandi, solat, urus diri, isi perut, tidur.
eyh, tulis belog before tido.

satu, arini sgt penat. tp sgt best.
dua, otsukaresama minna. laen kali dtg lagi ye.
tiga, cepat-cepat la abes shiken, msok natsu yasumi, then inche Y, moh le kite g tgok hanabi taikai same2 :)
empat, eyh minggu ni start kimatsu lah.

epi besday inche mat!

p/s. pagi yg gelap kini sudah terang - sbb da nk msok subuh. tidoq pas subuh lg la arini.

Jumaat, 22 Julai 2011

kite kawan

woot woot!
*masih bersedih sbb x tgok lagi citer harry potter*

ape yg sy nk tulis sebenarnye?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .  . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

hurm, no idea.

kite kawan kan?


Rabu, 20 Julai 2011

insan biasa jua.

ok, last entry for d day.
eyh, actually da msok new day, kol doblas lebey da sini. hurm, kenape jam belog sy ni x btol?

just wanna say -


homaigoddd.. unbelievable!!!

terlupa pula di sebalik peperangan dentam-dentum mereka, mereka jua hanyalah insan biasa yg bisa bergaul mesra di luar masa kerja.

maji mukatsuku dgn pompuan tuh. even dy baek2 aje di sebelah prof albus, tetap rse nk pi tibai pala dy.
hamboih emo x hingatt naa.

p/s. jgn bising2 la.x tgok lg kn part 2. xd org nk bwk :'(

sumthing from nomiey :))

lately i've being such a pretty passive blogger, well, there's nothing much to write actually.
-ok, an inevitably lame intro since i'm writing my second entry for d day-


if i'm not mistaken, i think i've got diz award before, but myb it was quite a very long time ago.huhu. 
anyway, thanx to my friend, nomiey for d appreciation, am very glad siyesly. since she's giving me diz award, i've got no choice, better for me to answer her, right? ;p

anyway, what should i do actually?

SEVEN things about me which no other people knows.


-yet i think, i dun hve any secrets =.='.. -

even so... ok nomiey, i'll try my best yea! u must read this till d end, u know u hve to, right? :p

FIRST - i'm not a gay.
its not a joke, i really meant it ok. even my 'its complicated' facebook relationship status does state so, doesn't mean i'm really a gay. errr..or y'all hve already known?

SECOND - i don't eat sushi.
even it has been 2 years n a half i'm staying in japan, i still can't take any sushi (i mean yg mentah2 tu) into my mouth, and siyesly it never crossed my mind to try it. well, myb i'm not the only one yg x mkn sushi kn? heh~

THIRD - i think i do have some mental probs.
guys, this is not a joke. i am not rebecca black nor bibier justin or justin bibier, or so wuteva. i always think i might hve the tendency to do sumthin out of my mind, for example jumping off my apartment, cut myself, or even worse saying out loud 'bitch!!!!' on my plastic friends face. fuu... but i better not.haha.

FOURTH - easy to get bored..?
maybe. i'm not sure actually. lets take something as exmple. (actually i prefer much better to take 'someone' as example, but it would just make others like "hooooomaigodddddd, u're sooooo bad wawa..!". better safe than sorry).btw, i do have a dslr - digital single lens reflex camera if u dun know.easy said, camera yg besor tuh. i was somekind like overoverover excited when i first bought him, but eventually it only lasted for months. no, not d camera, i meant my excitement, the camera is still breathing safely right next to me, dun worry. its my excitement which dies just in few months. huerm.. myb diz is normal.haha.

FIFTH - i'm going to get married soon!
ok, myb this is a joke. but pliz guys, do pray for me. spread the love and peace to us. my target? hurm, some people say, do follow ur heart. ok, then, if i'm following my heart, i'll get married by this spring. but, there are still some who say dun take for granted ur mind. hu? 
then, my brilliant mind says, there's still long way to go wawa..

SIXTH - i'm A-blood :))
sorry if u feel annoyed.haha. this is not superstitious. they are facts. they are something decided by hundreds, myb thousands researches and bla bla bla. A-blood people is perfectionist u know, that is their stands out point. me? hve to admit, i'm quite fussy in many things, n its very possible for people who dun know me to get tired of me. hoh~ like i care ;p
n fyi, A-blood is very 'lemah' in handling B-blood people., so does d B-blood towards A.

SEVENTH - i've got my new crush! dave days..! lol

p/s. do pardon my language. its been years i'm using my english to

Selasa, 19 Julai 2011

dave days :))

cool kan?

mesti ramai wanita-wanita di luar sne yg terkinja-kinja disampuk sawan dek kerana dave yg muke cm ashton kutcher nih. err, me as well ke huh?
x sawan lg rsenye.

Rabu, 13 Julai 2011

rokuninn no tabi!

hey hey hey hey~
assalamualaikum! heeeee.......*grinn*

alhamdulillah selamat kembali ke bumi hirOshima, tepat jam 7.30 pagi tadi (lebey kurg). bas selamat terpacak kt depan daigaku, selepas 7jam perjalanan yg kami semua tdo mati x sedar ppe. hoh.

yep, here we were.
universal studio of japan, USJ.

even ni kali kedua sye g, tp sbb bersama laen org plak kn, siyes waku waku doki doki shita.. hikss. gedik plak. ni my first trip wit my japanese friends. hoho. *selama ni merancang jek pndi, x penah pon jd*
akhirnya, berjaya juge kami! hehe.

selasa, 5pagi - smpi kt osaka. mata terkulat-kulat mamai-mamai, berpandukn iphOne kami m'cri kedai mcD utk tumpg berteduh smentara nk smpi ke pukul 9pagi utk bergerak ke osaka eki.

6pagi - mcD x jupe. gusto shikanai. breakfast at gusto. senak perut ngadap washoku di pagi dinihari.hoh.

mekap time. cool friends don't even bother about where n when ;p
sesi bersiap-siap n make over.haha.

9pagi - bergerak meninggalkn gusto. gusto san, osewa ni narimashita. berjalan kaki ke eki, smbil dara-dara shita. jikan yoyuu.

10 pagi - USJ! terkejut tgok barisan pnjg n manusia bersesak-sesakn. kusangkakan hari sekolah org x ramai, ropenye manusia penuh. mungkinkah mereka juga seperti kami? *ke ponteng skolah budak2 nih?*

sempat berposing sebelum check in counter.

2petang - hujan renyai-renyai tapi cukup utk bagi lenjun. pakat-pakat redah n semangat main. oh, siyes manusia pon da berkurang!

alang-alang terbasah, biar berbasah habis-habisan. 

3petang - hujan masih belum berenti, begitu juga dgn smngt kami.haha.klo smngt cmni nk blaja kn disebabkn org sket, machi jikan utk stiap permainan pon lebey kurg 5~15 minit. so, they decided  nk nek roller coaster for the 2nd time.

actually 2nd and 3rd time, and there were them, in the last n 2nd last rows. me? haha. me got to surrender, ckup la sekali. eyh sejak ble xley nek roller coaster tu ntah, sndri pon xphm.huhu.

5petang - setelah penat n buhsan maen,sorosoro omiyage no jikan. sejam  mse membeli belah sebelum berangkat pulang.

dat was me, taking care of their belongings while 2 of them g nek roller coaster for the 4th time, another 1 was searching for the others yg t'ptus hubungan. cmni la mslhnye ble keitai i jek yg menyala lagi.

6petang - mule bergerak meninggalkn usj. sume dok pakat2 bwk omiyage besor2, i jek la yg x bli ppe.hehe. saving la konon2 kan.. wekk.

byebye usj. next time kami dtg lagi! :)

sesi malam - sejam lebih beratur utk msok kedai makan. memanglah kedai yg sgt popular di kalangan org jepun, tp mungkin bkn taste sy. sume org pon da sgt penat, tp gelak ketawa msih x kurang, hanya action punye speed jek yg berkurang.

perut kenyang hati senang. sementara nk tngu bus blik, sempat lagi pegi berpoya kat ferris wheel. 

gmbr sgt mabushii sbb ad spotlight besaq kt dpn tuh.

12malam - naek bus blik ke hiroshima. sume org penat jd x sempat nk bersembang ape, sume da gedeboom melelapkn mate.hehehe.

 rabu, 7.30pagi - selamat smpi kt hiroshima daigaku. rushin-rushin utk class pagi kol 8.45pagi.

8.45pagi - buji de selamat smpi ke class. oh, seorang x dpt diselamatkn, mungkin blik2 tdo then x terjaga. tp minna yg dtg pon sumenye mmg terkulai terjelepok kepala atas meja sbb penat sgt. sy pon byk kali dok tersengguk-sengguk kepala.hehe.

anyway, trip yg sgt sgt sgt memenatkn, tp sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt menyeronokkan!
next time, mata doko ka ni ikou ne!
6 nin no tabi!

minna, daisuki da yo! otsukare :)

p/s. sgt tired 24 hours of nihongo. terasa lidah beku kejat.huuu.

Ahad, 10 Julai 2011


geez... *mendengus kasar*
why does human easily got affected by their emotion? easy said, 

why can't we be PROFESSIONAL instead of emotional
why can't we be more TOLERABLE instead of intolerable

why, why n why?

Rabu, 6 Julai 2011

bersatu teguh bercerai roboh! :))

alhamdulillah! pasokon baru! :))
eyh, bkn la beli yg baru kua kedai n bukak plastik tuh, just bli drpd my senpai jek, tp siyes, licin n kosong cm baru wooo...

ok ok, get rid of those overxcited reaction.
*da lame x menaip, siyes lidah rse kelu tgn rse beku xto nk tulis ape*

kite wat cincai mencai jek la arini kn, t kalo da otak tersusun sket, bru sy menulis dgn baek balik ye :p

last week, yukata matsuri. err, kalo google kua ape eyh?
boleh la rujuk kt cni kalo xto yukata tu ape. malas plak nk menaip terangkn .hehe. 

so, seperti kebiasaannya tiap2 taon mmg kami, warga2 mesia yg berada di hiroshima ni akn berniaga, bukak gerai bagi memeriahkn susasana *tipu betol. berniaga sbb nk cri modal wat soubet majlis perpisahan jek ekceli! ;p* .

 jadi, tanpa menghiraukan penat lelah n exam serta report yg datang bagai gunung x abes-abes ditarah, kami semua pon bersatu padu bergabung tenaga bekerjasama memberikan yg terbaik *semangat plak ayat ni*.
hasilnya? alhamdulillah, keuntungan yg x disangka-sangka. *dlm hati terpikir jugk, kalo bkk gerai sndri ni, perghh untung sungguh  bulat2 dpt duet meniaga*

tapi demi persatuan.. walaupun bekerja sepanjang hari di tengah panas n hujan, n hanya menerima gaji berupa bentou ala kadar yg harga nye pon sy x mmpu nk pastikan, semua org memang berusaha yg terbaik.

adek-adek promoter yg bekerja sampai ke malam. jam di dinding bangunan menunjukkn 20minit lagi sebelum pukul 8 malam.

promoter bersuara lantang; rehat sekejap. dari pagi smpi ke malam jauh sebatu suara u ktorg bley dengar tau. i dun even know where did she get such that energy! superb!

n ni pulak artis kite. sekali dgn pakcik NHK sibuk dok zoom2 tgkp gmbr dy sorang. pembawa tuah menyeret bnyk pelanggan jugk ke gerai. hontouni, chou urayamashii naa.. sonna talentto tte ;))

adek-adek laen pon bagus-bagus jugk. eyh, xd gmbr bkn bermakna x dihargai ok. sy syg semua, dai dai dai dai suki! ;)
serius cakap, i syg u all sgt-sgt la! mae yori, motto motto yo ~<3

ichibann kandou shita no wa, dlm kesibukan semua org dgn keje+report+exam *bese la, da namenye student kn*, n tunggang langgang di awal bukak2 gerai, minna still masih boleh bergurau senda, egao shitari warattari shite, saigo made yoku ganbatteta. saikou da ze, minna!

untuk daisai next sem pulak, iA ada rezeki, mata ganbarou ne?  
jibun no tame jyanakute, minna no tame de aru.

p/s. seribu otsukaress utk tanto yg berpenin-peningan seawal langkah pertama, n utk pkcik-pkcik yg sgt bertungkus-lumus hingga ke akhir, otsukare..